Year 11 students deliver a fantastic sports festival

The Olympic Games in Tokyo may have come to a conclusion in August, but the Olympic spirit was still going strong at Smithdon High School
Smithdon High School hosted an Olympic sports festival for nearly 200 Year 4 and 5 pupils from their local cluster primary schools. The festival consisted of 13 Olympic themed activities that were planned, organised, set up and delivered by 70 Year 11 Smithdon pupils as part of a leadership in PE course. The festival was due to take place in the last academic year but the pandemic pushed it back to this year. For many of the primary school students, this was the first school trip they had been on since the pandemic began and the fun and enjoyment was clear to see throughout all of the sporting sessions during the day. Smithdon’s Year 11 students delivered some fantastic engaging sessions which allowed the primary students to be active, learn new skills and try new sports as part of the festival. They were able to utilise the leadership, communication and organisation skills learnt during the course to great effect and were a credit to the PE department and the school.
Current Year 10 students will soon begin preparations for the next festival which will take place in July as we continue to showcase the amazing sports leaders we have at the school.